First week & Questions
I’ve officially been here for a week (while the class didn't formally start until Thursday, I got in two days early). Writing this post made me realize I have already done so much. From doing things with the class, such as a guided tour, scavenger hunt, talking with an apartment owner about where they live, to learning about the bicycle superhighway network, seeing a cute place where kids learn to ride bikes, learning about what the 3 transportation professionals coming along with us think about all of this, (plus exploring around the city on my own, and more that I can't list here) it's been a lot!
With that, I have started to come up with some questions.
- The one question I’m dying to know is: right turn on red: if you are on a bike, is a right turn on red legal? I have seen so many conflicting views about this I’m just not sure anymore. Out in the real world it seems like people just ‘go for it’ anyways.
- Google suggests it might be illigal for cars but legal for bikes...
- Weather: is great right now but what’s it like in the winter? Do people bike in the snow? With the ridiculously long summer days, I assume that in the winter there is much less daylight as well.
- Bike theft: Is it a thing here? (mainly just saying this because in America, there is no WAY everyone could free-lock their bike and leave it for hours and expect it to still be there).
- What is the biggest difference is how the different levels of govt. work with each other.
- Why is the architecture so good here? I hope to visit the Danish Architecture Center before I leave to find out for myself
- Accessibility for the mobility-impaired: is it accessible or not. Obviously, this is less specific to Denmark and more so the fact that there is no ADA in Europe. Sometimes I feel like accessibility could be an issue in certain situations/areas/buildings, other times I feel like it is not as much of an issue because of how densely areas are built up. Obviously, this is a more open-ended question that I might not get a definitive answer to, but it's something that's on the back of my mind as I've been walking around.
That's all for now!
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